Wednesday, April 2, 2008

news, updates and serving opportunities

Hello all! Sorry if you added prayer and praises to a previous post. Could you cut and paste into this one for the current 2 week period? (To add prayer requests or praises, click on comments below). Lot's of hurting people...let's stay on our knees!

You will be receiving information about our KIA/Prayer Driving Event this Saturday beginning @ 2:00 pm (meeting @ the 5 Stones Ministry Center).

Let's get outside the WALLS AND GO SERVE OUR COMMUNITY IN JESUS NAME!!!! This is a great FAMILY EVENT. Let's show this community our love by our actions not our words only!

Please be in prayer as we begin advertising and praying about a Campus Pastor and a Worship Arts director. Pray for God to move and for us to be faithful in our resources to make this happen. THE POWER OF EVERYONE!

See ya soon! Thanks for sharing in the mission and giving your all!