Tuesday, January 26, 2010

On the Bubble for New Hope Ashland

Hey NHA! Thanks to everyone who made it out to the cafeteria at the high school for worship this last Sunday! If you showed up in the Little Theater and were wondering why it was so dark and quite for worship, it's because we weren't there. We'll be in the cafeteria again this Sunday, so make the short trek across the courtyard and join us there! This Sunday, Dan Peterson of Converge MidAtlantic will be sharing with us from "Vintage Church" on the use of technology in the church and how the local church can become involved in the global church. Come hear how NHA is, and can continue to be, impacting people around the world through our support of the Converge missionaries.
In other news...KIA meeting tonight at Tiki Peterson's house at 6:30 PM! Help plan the February KIA event and future events, for directions call 419.566.4790. Small group sign ups have begun for the next round, set to begin the week of February 7. We have 2 co-ed groups, a women's group, a men's group, and a youth group. Indicate your interest in being a part of a small group on a Connection Card or email us at traci@newhopeashland.com. Lastly, we mentioned this past Sunday that NHA is having a baptism service on February 28 and if you're interested in exploring baptism, contact Jared at jared@newhopeashland.com.

Have a great week NHA, and remember: Don't just go to church, be the church!